Dineobellator notohesperus
Navajo warrior of the Southwest
Hutchemys walkerorum
Walkers' softshell turtle
Pair of Saurornitholestes sullivani attacking a young Parasaurolophus tubicen during the Late Cretaceous of New Mexico. Artwork by Mary P. Williams.
Epichirostenotes curriei
Currie's after narrow-hands
Ojoraptorsaurus boerei
Boere's lizard thief from the Ojo
This page shows at least some of the artwork of animals/taxa I have had the honor of describing, diagnosing, and giving names to. I am always incredibly happy to see artwork of these taxa, especially to see them brought to life and see the interpretations that various people have made of them. I see no difference in the level of skill involved with any of them, just seeing them reconstructed is incredible. I tend to save any and all artwork I find of these taxa, just so that I have a record of the various interpretations and ideas of bringing them "back to life."
Zilantophis schuberti
Schubert's winged serpent
Trachemys haugrudi
Haugrud's slider turtle
Links for some of the artists whose artwork is present here, be sure to support them if you can:
Sergey Krasovskiy: DeviantArt and Twitter (@SergeyAtrox1)
Mary P. Williams: Tumbler and Twitter (@mary_p_williams)
Gabriel Ugueto: website and Twitter (@SerpenIllus)
Joschua Knuppe: DeviantArt and Twitter (@JoschuaKnuppe)
Tom Parker: DeviantArt and Twitter (@Tomozaurus)
Theamazingspino: Twitter (@Theamazingspino)
ArtistOnAMountain: website
Creative Beast Studio - Beasts of the Mesozoic: website and raptor series
(Saurornitholestes sullivani white version, runner version)
Keenan Taylor's Illustrated Menagerie: website and Twitter (@TalesofKaimere)
cisiopurple: DeviantArt
dellorkcir: website
Cynarctus wangi
Wang's bone crusher
Note: that the reconstructions from Walking with Dinosaurs 3D were called Chirostenotes in the movie. However, the animal in the movie represents the caenagnathid dinosaur from the Horshoe Canyon Formation, which is actually Epichirostenotes. Those who made the movie actually misidentified the dinosaur, but in reality it is Epichirostenotes curriei.
It is humbling to know that I have had the honor of having one of the dinosaurs I named become a figurine. Growing up I used to love my various dinosaur figurines and dinosaur toys, and it is amazing that I have now had a small part in bringing a rare dinosaur into that realm. It may be that someone in the future gets inspired, or just gets some joy, from one of these amazingly made figurines. These come from David Silva and the Beasts of the Mesozoic line by Creative Beast Studio. I am clearly biased, but I highly recommend getting one of the two versions of Saurornitholestes sullivani on sale there. They have a white version and a blue/purple version that gets its color pattern from the Road Runner from the Looney Tunes cartoons.
Sierraceratops turneri
Turner's horned dinosaur from Sierra
Artwork of New Taxa (Species)
Saurornitholestes sullivani
Sullivan's lizard-bird thief
Stegoceras novomexicanum
Horned Roof of New Mexico
Menefeeceratops sealeyi
Sealey's horned dinosaur of the Menefee
Chrysemys corniculata
Horned painted turtle
Bisticeratops froeseorum
Froeses' horned dinosaur from Bisti
Creative Beast Studio - Beasts of the Mesozoic: website and raptor series
(Saurornitholestes sullivani white version, runner version)
Basilemys gaffneyi
Gaffney's royal turtle
I often try to ask permission to put up the artwork seen here from the artists who drew and created them, although that does not always happen. If you drew or created any of these artworks and want to provide more information, please contact me. If you draw any artwork of any of these animals, or others I have had the privilege of naming, contact me as I would love to see that work and post it if you are willing and would like me to. If you see your artwork here and would prefer it not to be posted, also let me know and I will gladly take it down. Regardless, thanks to everyone who takes the time to imagine these ancient animals and take part in the incredibly fascinating task of reconstructing them.